Stepping into the Light

bg-quote1You are once again surrounded by a brilliant white light.

Allow the light to lead you away from your past and into this lifetime.

As the light dissipates you will slowly fade back into consciousness remembering all you have learned.

When I tell you to open your eyes you will return to the present,

feeling peaceful and refreshed.

Open your eyes.

As I signed into my account to write once again, I felt like I was waking up from a hypnotherapy session. Like I was finally coming back home, to a reality that I had left behind. A big shout-out to my friend listentothebabe, who has been like an umbilical cord to me, tying me to this world of words and stories. This subculture of writers, where we dream, and live, and move, and have our being. It feels good to be back among you, my fellow bloggers and readers.

While I was away, I have had time to examine different aspects about myself that had fallen asleep. This has been a rather interesting season for me, where my inner man has grown. I have stepped out of my comfort zone quite a bit and enjoyed every moment of it.

As part of a social experiment, I changed my complete look. I shaved off my face fuzz, cropped my hair and took on a more formal and corporate look. I must say that I have2014-03-07-batman legon’t had so much fun observing people in a long time. The people closest to me, still know me for the goofy geek that I am, but the rest of those interacting with me have suddenly changed their attitude towards me. I have instantaneously become almost intimidating. People who once classified me as the stereotypical “metal head/ comic book guy,” were completely disturbed that I had stepped out of the box that they had placed me in. Leading to a lot of interesting conversations, with people trying really hard to find a new box to fit me into. It almost felt like a computer screaming “this does not compute.” Each of these interactions have left me laughing on the inside, feeling almost eccentric.

There have been a few interesting developments in my life, which I will be sharing as and when I feel the need to. I have found a partner in crime, who’ll be cosplaying with me at comic con in December. I’m really looking forward to that. I’m still trying to decide what to go as. I have a few ideas but I’m still trying to zero in on something. If you have any interesting ideas, please feel free to share them with me. In all this wonderful day dreaming, a bird sang exclusively for me, and that by far has been the most precious moment of 2015. (You’re free to deduce anything you want to out of that.) 😉 I love speaking in riddles and metaphors.
I’ll leave you now with a challenge to step out of your comfort zone and push your boundaries. You never know what you may discover.

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