Exodus: Gods and Kings or How to Fail in Biblical Proportions

Unfortunately I ended up watching Exodus last night. And boy did it suck. I was totally let down. The only thing that I enjoyed was watching it with my friends Karan and Karishma. For one thing the movie was so terribly terribly slow. I think I checked my watch about 4 times and was surprised every single time, that there still was a lot of time to go. I don’t think that any book of the Bible is slow and melodramatic least of all the book of Exodus, you could disagree with me, but Ridley Scott dragged this story to Kingdom come. I think the best role was Ramesses’ son. He slept all through the movie. 😛

The next thing that was getting on my nerves was the number of biblical inaccuracies. Why don’t these movie guys ever read the book before they venture to direct any movie. Is that too much to ask? I think my favourite peeve would have to be the Isaac Andrews as the voice of God. I was haunted with nightmares, waking up to visions of Andrews making cynical faces.


The only thing that I enjoyed was that we were sitting all the way back and having own private discussion. Joking and mocking almost everything about the movie. Right from the 11 year old god guy to Jesse Pinkman, Breaking Bad references for every scene with Aaron Paul as Joshua. I know that’s bad manners in a theater, but the movie was so so lame that I couldn’t help but indulge myself in such indiscretions.

We finally ended the day by stopping at Krispy Kreme for some seriously divine donuts. The sugar rush helped in lifting our spirits. I think I’ll watch ‘The Prince of Egypt’ tonight to erase all the trauma that Ridley Scott put me through.


As an afterthought, I personally think that Charlton Heston was the coolest on screen Moses.Charlton_Heston_in_The_Ten_Commandments_film_trailer-EDIT-600